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Privacy Policy
TekWizard is dedicated to keeping your information private, and we only retain enough data to provide the best possible service to you, and it is only kept until or unless you ask us to remove it.
If you contact us for assistance, we log your basic contact details (name, phone number, eMail address, etc.) and details of any work we carry out (or are due to carry out) on your computer.
We do not share the details we hold about you with any third party with a single exception: We use MailChimp to send out our monthly ‘Mac Tip’ newsletters via eMail to all current and past customers; if you wish to remove yourself from that mailing list, you can click the ‘unsubscribe’ link which appears at the bottom of each newsletter.
All our data is stored on a password-protected, encrypted system and backed-up to encrypted backup drives. This means that even in the unlikely event that our computer equipment was stolen, your data would remain safe and secure. If the computer cannot be recovered quickly, we will wipe the system remotely to remove all data.
You can see all your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at: